Getting married in Italy, documents for the wedding - Amalfi Coast Weddings Guide
Documents needed from foreign citizens who wish to get married in Italy, vary according to their nationality.
Due to the complexity of the bureaucratic procedures , we strongly suggest that you contact a specialized Wedding Planner Agency. This is definitely the easiest way to deal with the bureaucratic aspect, because they will do carry out all the paperwork as well as to arrange the details of your big day.
The following documents are generally required:
1 - A valid passport;
2 - A Statutory Declaration (Nulla Osta), issued from the consulate or embassy from the country of origin. it must be authenticated with an Apostille seal at the Prefettura (the lower court), if the country is not part of the European Community;
3 - For foreigners residing in Italy, a "single status affidavit" is required;
4 - Two witnesses (if they're not italian, they must have resident's permit);
Disclaimer: these information are to only informative purpose. For more detailed news, address yourself to the embassy in Italy of your own country or to the competent authorities.
Also, since the procedures vary from city hall to city hall, we suggest to call the Vital Statistics Office (Ufficio Stato Civile) of the City Hall where you plan to marry.
Reference web-sites for citizens coming from:
United Kingdom
Eire (Republic of Ireland)