The day of the wedding the bridegrooms (particularly the bride) are absolute protagonists. The attention of all reverts on them. Here are some suggestions to being to the best on the day of the great YES:
It’s best to contact the hairdresser at least one month in advance. Choose a hairdresser who is specialized in weddings, so that the hairdo can be decided beforehand according to the style of the wedding dress and the bride’s figure. You might choose a simple hairdo or a more elaborate and elegant one, the important thing is, however, for the bride to appear natural and beautiful. As with all choices, the best solution is that which is done putting together the bride’s personal taste with the suggestions coming from an expert.
Great importance must be given also to the choice of makeup, light and delicate tones are generally preferable in order to match the dress. Since every woman has her own preferences it’s best to try, with the help of a good makeup artist, various solutions until an optimal result is achieved.
A beauty centre can, given you begin treatments at least one month before the wedding, help regain the natural freshness of the face and improve your general look. Do not neglect the proper attention, by doing the necessary manicure, to the hands that on a wedding day have a great importance.
Suggestions for him
It’s now common for men also to seek help from beauty centres where you can do some tanning sessions, a face cleansing treatment, get your eyebrow line fixed and have a manicure.
Regarding the hairdo, it’s best to choose a short and clean haircut with particular attention to the sideburns. If you have long hair instead, with the suit it’s best to tie it in a ponytail.