Among the many thing to care of, the choice of presents is surely one of the most pleasurable. Even though the custom of making a wedding list (bridal registry) is not an italian tradition, up till a few years ago it was even considered distasteful, today thanks to it's practicality it helps avoiding presents that might be of no use or doubles of a same item, it has therefore absolutely become the preferred way to deal with the issue of presents.
It's best to have a precise idea of those items you intend to wish to receive before going to the store where you intend to open the wedding list. Those shops which deal with these type of things will surely know how to direct and help you in making the list. It's very important to choose a series of items keeping in mind the economic possibilities of each one of your guests, the most expensive presents can also be split among many parts.
The wedding list must always be ready before the invitations are sent out.